public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "social networking"

October 2007

September 2007 - The Colorful, MultiCulti Social Networks

by juhani (via) review of a new multi-cultural social networking site built around casual gaming

July 2007


by ronez
réseau social senior US

June 2007

Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace

by sbrothier (via)
Over the last six months, I've noticed an increasing number of press articles about how high school teens are leaving MySpace for Facebook. That's only partially true. There is indeed a change taking place, but it's not a shift so much as a fragmentation. Until recently, American teenagers were flocking to MySpace. The picture is now being blurred. Some teens are flocking to MySpace. And some teens are flocking to Facebook. Who goes where gets kinda sticky... probably because it seems to primarily have to do with socio-economic class.

Bookmark This Page

by wtanaka
Tribute to the self-referential omphaloskepsis of the world wide web

Yuuguu. See together. Be together.

by sbrothier & 4 others (via)
See together. Be together. * Screen share * Remote desktop control * Instant message * High quality low cost conference calls All you need is Yuuguu and the internet. Work or play, on the same screen, at the same time, with anyone, anywhere, for free.

May 2007

Why Social Media Kills the Case Study | Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog

by sbrothier & 1 other
I just came back from a trip to San Francisco. Apart from having a great time, I discovered a new social media site that just blew my mind and blows the competition away.... is not a new idea by any stretch of the imagination -- haven't reviews of local restaurants, nightlife, bars, businesses, etc. been done to death? Citysearch, for instance, founded in 1995 by idealab, would have cornered the market in local reviews, right?

iStalkr: Social Feed Aggregator

by sbrothier & 2 others (via)
iStalkr is a web app that allows you to create a lifestream (based on Jeremy Keith's Lifestream concept) tracking all your RSS and ATOM feeds for services you use, like Digg,, Ma.gnolia, Flickr,, Google Reader's Shared Items, Tumblr, Twitter , etc, and create a time line of your activities. You can paste this time line data into on your blog or use the data in other apps. iStalkr then utilizes that data socially, like twitter, where you can monitor your friends time lines and other people can monitor yours.

Juras Vetrau. Блог о веб-разработках

by jvetrau
Менеджер проектов и проектировщик пользовательских интерфейсов. Специализация на веб-разработках — веб-приложениях, интернет- и интранет-системах, порталах и, периодически, средней руки сайтах.

Fidg't: Your Social Networking Address Book

by sbrothier & 2 others
The Fidg't Visualizer allows you to play around with your network. You interface with the Visualizer through Flickr and LastFM tags, using any tag to create a Magnet. Once a Tag Magnet is created, members of the network will gravitate towards it if they have photos or music with that same Tag.

April 2007

by PêUR & 7 others
site gratuit dédié à la création, au suivi et à la gestion d'invitations électroniques personnalisées. (MyPunchbowl et setdot like)

setdot | plan, organize, and manage events

by PêUR & 3 others (via)
Les gretting cards c'est fini deduis belle lurette!!! Pour inviter vos amis ça se passe par ce genre de service en ligne, u peu à l'image de MyPunchBowl.


by PêUR & 7 others
Le sourcing s'étend à tous les réseaux du net

Web 2.0 marketing I MySpace advertising I Youtube marketing

by israeal
Learn Web 2.0 marketing and how sites like YouTube, MySpace, Digg, and other Web 2.0 social networking and social bookmarking sites can help you gain customers and leads.

Have Questions? Here You Can Find Answers

by Avinio
a new way to ask and explore open ended-topics with the rest of the world. Anyone can post a topic or open-ended question. Here's where it gets even more interesting: Anyone can add new responses to questions and topics, and those answers can be voted on by everyone else.

Web 2.0 marketing I MySpace advertising I Youtube marketing

by mini1
Learn Web 2.0 marketing and how sites like YouTube, MySpace, Digg, and other Web 2.0 social networking and social bookmarking sites can help you gain customers and leads.


by bee
Fun site about helping friends to get girlfriends.

VroomWorld - My Car Space

by FullThrottle
VroomWorld ist eine Web 2.0 Plattform auf der Benutzer Bilder und Videos kostenlos einstellen und verwalten können. Allerdings ist VroomWorld eine themenbezogene Community die sich auf Autos konzentriert. Bilder und Videos können hier ganz einfach hochgeladen, getaggt und geschützt in Ordnern abgelegt oder zu Alben zusammengestellt werden. Dann kann jedes Mitglied seine Bilder und Videos veröffentlichen und mit der VroomWorld Community oder Freunden und Familie austauschen. VroomWorld ist ein Treffpunkt für Gleichgesinnte. Hier kannst Du dich mit anderen austauschen, befreunden und regelmäßig im Internet treffen.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "social networking"

digg +   free web 2.0 revealed +   google video +   my space +   myspace +   podcasting +   social bookmarking +   technorati +   web 2.0 +